Friday, February 11, 2011

Cyclists who don't obey the road rules

Good on those people who are keen cyclists - saving the planet and getting exercise at the same time. Doesn't get much better than that. Unless you are a car behind trying your best not to kill them.

Yes I know, the road is there to share and they have just as much right to be there as the cars.

What pisses me right off is when you slowly and carefully over take them (as do all the others in your lane) and then you get stopped at a set of traffic lights and they just push their way to the front of the queue making the arduous task of getting around start ALL over again.

More vexing are those cyclists who don't believe they are required to stop at said traffic light, instead just following the pedestrian cross signal or worse still running a red. EITHER YOU ARE A PEDESTRIAN AND YOU CYCLE ON THE FOOTPATH OR A CAR ON THE ROAD!!!! This is not a Hannah Montana moment - you do not get the best of both worlds.

If you want to be treated with the same respect as a car then obey the road rules. All of them, not just when it is convenient.

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